High-Speed Fiber Broadband services with symmetrical speeds up to 1GB!

Boulder Junction WI, 54512
Certified by the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin
The Town of Boulder Junction has been certified as a Telecommuter Forward! Community by the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin. The Telecommuter Forward! Certification recognizes local units of government that have met criteria for promoting telecommuting opportunities in partnership with broadband providers, economic development professionals, and the Wisconsin Broadband Office.
jewel of the northwoods
Boulder Junction has always been and will continue to be a unique jewel in Wisconsin’s Northwoods.
Looking to open a new business or expand your growing business, but require High-Speed Fiber Internet? Look no further than Boulder Junction. Specific businesses that can be a good fit include:

Computer Systems Design
Software Publishers and Designers
Data Processing, Hosting, and Related Services
Other Information Technology Services
Finance and Insurance
Professional/Commercial Equipment Sales
Supplies – Wholesale
Scientific Research and Development Services
Management of Companies and Enterprises
Consulting and Engineering Services
E-Commerce Businesses
Health Care
Employment Services
Eco-Friendly Manufacturing
Through its many outreach and planning efforts throughout the state, the PSC's Wisconsin Broadband Office encourages coordination and partnership between telecommuting stakeholders by certifying local communities as being Telecommuter Forward!.

Created by 2017 Wisconsin Act 342, Telecommuter Forward! is a voluntary program for local units of government (city, village, town, or county) to signal that the political subdivision supports and commits to promote the availability of telecommuting options.